Create Remote Java Object Step

Use the Create Remote Java Object step to create a Java object representing an object hosted on a remote computer.

Create Remote Java Object Customizer Window

Once the Java object is created, you can then use the Execute Java Method step on the returned object to invoke methods on this remote object.

The following table describes the properties of the Create Remote Java Object customizer window:

Properties / Buttons


Host Name

Variable or expression indicating the DNS1 or WINS2 host name of the remote host or the IP address.

Port Number

Variable or expression indicating the TCP port number of the RMI3 registry on the remote host that you will use to connect to it.

The default port number for RMI is 1099.

Service Name

Variable or expression indicating the service name under which the remote object was registered in the RMI registry.

Remote Variable

Variable that represents the remote Java object.

1 DNS = Domain Name Service
2 WINS = Windows Internet Naming Service
3 RMI = Remote Method Invocation