Using Cisco Pre-Defined Enterprise Call Variables

In addition to the script variables that you can define in the Variable pane of the Cisco Unified CCX Editor window, you can use the following Cisco predefined strings as enterprise call variables in Cisco Unified CCX in the Set Enterprise Call Info and Get Enterprise Call Info steps to pass information between the Cisco Unified ICME system and the Cisco Unified CCX system:

  • VRU Script Name

  • ConfigParam

  • Call.CallingLineID

  • Call.CallerEnteredDigits

  • Call.PeripheralVariable1 to Call.PeripheralVariable10 This populates the fields "customCallVar1" through "customCallVar10" in the ContactCallDetail records of the db_cra database.

  • Call.AccountNumber The Add button opens the Add Field window and permits you to apply the value (Values) of a local variable to the pre-defined Cisco call variable (Names). Tokens permit multiple values to be assigned and are only used in a Cisco Unified ICME environment.

These enterprise call variables are all written to the db_cra database.


These enterprise call variables are available from a list in the General tab of the Customization window only in the Set Enterprise Call Info and Get Enterprise Call Info steps. In the Set Enterprise Call Info and Get Enterprise Call Info steps, you assign the values of local script variables to the enterprise script variables.

The Cisco Unified ICME Server, the Cisco Unified CCX system, and the Cisco Finesse Desktop support these call variables for passing data among themselves.

If you need more call variables than those predefined in the General tab, use ECC variables.


While the Cisco pre-defined enterprise call variables are all written to the db_cra database and thus can be used in reporting, the ECC call variables are not written to the db_cra dabase and cannot be used in Cisco Unified CCX reporting.