PUT (Chat Gateway Configuration)

Updates the chat gateway related configuration settings.


https://<Server IP>:<Port>/ccp-webapp/ccp/chatGatewayConfig

HTTP Method:


Request Headers

Authorization: Basic

Content-Type: application/xml

Request Body

Code Snippet
Copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
          <value>Your chat has ended. Thank you.</value>
          <value>Sorry, we support only text messages.</value>
          <value>Would you like to rate your chat experience on a scale of 1 [worst] to 5 [best]? Select a rating.</value>
          <value>How can we help you? Choose from one of the options.</value>
          <value>Oops! An error occurred. Chat has ended. Try again later.</value>
          <value>Just a moment...finding an expert to chat with you.</value>
          <value>We are busy at the moment. You can continue to wait or try again later.</value>
          <value>Hello! Welcome to ABCD Customer Care.</value>
          <value>Chat has ended due to inactivity. You can contact us again.</value>
          <value>Sorry, we could not find an expert to chat with you at this moment. Try again later.</value>
          <value>Thank you for the feedback.</value>
          <title>Warranty Issue</title>
          <title>Sales Enquiry</title>

Response Status

200 OK

Response Headers

Content-Type: application/xml

Response Body