Script Filter Security
Customer Collaboration Platform imposes restrictions on Groovy script code to ensure the security and integrity of the system and data.
For example, scripts are restricted from:
- Shutting down the system (system.exit()).
- Calling native Java methods (so as not to corrupt memory).
- Running for longer than 30 seconds.
- Accessing the Customer Collaboration Platform file system.
- Running certain SQL commands.
A script that violates these restrictions will upload but will have no impact on the social contacts in the campaign to which it is applied.
In addition to script binding, you can create objects from these classes:
- java.lang.Object
- java.lang.Boolean
- java.lang.Integer
- java.lang.Float
- java.lang.Short
- java.lang.Long
- java.lang.Double
- java.util.Date
- java.util.List
- java.util.Map
- java.util.Set
- java.util.Collections
- java.lang.String
- java.lang.StringBuilder
- java.util.TreeSet
- java.util.Vector
- java.util.LinkedHashSet
- java.util.LinkedList
- java.util.Stack
- java.util.ArraySet
- java.util.Arrays
- java.util.HashMap
- java.util.SortedMap
- java.util.TreeMap
- java.util.LinkedHashMap
- org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
- org.apache.commons.lang.Validate
- java.util.Random
- java.math.*