The Explicit Confirmation Step

Continue the No output branch of the Implicit Confirmation step by dragging an Explicit Confirmation step from the Media palette to the Design pane, and dropping it over the Set step icon under the Implicit Confirmation step icon, as shown in figure Explicit Confirmation Customizer Window—Configured Prompt Tab.

Then configure the Explicit Confirmation step to make an explicit confirmation of the name of the desired person.

Figure shows the configured Prompt tab of the Explicit Confirmation customizer window.

Explicit Confirmation Customizer Window—Configured Prompt Tab

Configure the Explicit Confirmation customizer window as follows:

  • General tab

    • Contact—Triggering Contact

      The contact that triggered the script remains the contact for this step.

    • Interruptible—Yes

      External events can interrupt the playback of the prompt.

    • Prompt tab

      • Initial Prompt—prompt

        The prompt variable stores the first prompt.

      • Error Prompt—prompt

        The prompt variable plays in the event of an input error.

      • Timeout Prompt—prompt

        The prompt variable plays if the timeout limit is reached.

      • Barge In—Yes

        The caller can respond without first having to listen to the playback of the entire prompt.

      • Continue on Prompt Errors—Yes

        If a prompt error occurs, the script continues to play the next prompt, or, if this is the last prompt in the sequence, the script waits for caller input.

    • Input tab

      • Timeout (in sec)—5

        After playing all prompts, the script waits 5 seconds for initial input from the caller before re-attempting with a timeout error, or, if this was the last attempt, the script executes the Timeout output branch.

      • Maximum Retries—3

        The script will attempt a maximum of 3 retries to receive confirmation before executing the Unsuccessful output branch.

      • Flush Input Buffer—Yes

        The step erases previous input.

    • Filter tab

      • Grammar—grammar

        This variable is assigned the value SG[AA/AAWantToCall] by the Set step in the preceding section.

The Explicit Confirmation step has four output branches: Yes, No, Timeout, and Error.

The No, Timeout, and Error output branches do not require scripting. The script falls through to the If step (see The If Step) to allow the caller more attempts to confirm until the maximum retries limit is reached, after which the script falls through to the Play Prompt step at the same level as the Simple Recognition step. (See figure aa.aef Script.)

The following section describes the Yes output branch:

The Yes Output Branch—If the Explicit Confirmation step successfully receives confirmation from the caller, the script executes the Yes output branch. Configure the Yes output branch of the Explicit Confirmation step to direct the script to the Xfer Label step under the Yes output branch of the Implicit Confirmation step (seeThe Label Step), which contains the steps necessary to redirect the call to the desired extension.