Data Structure for Data Source
Attribute Name | Base Type | Restrictions | Description |
id | int | minOccurs = 0 maxOccurs = 1 nillable = false | Unique identifier for the data source |
name | string | minLength value = 1 maxLength value = 65 minOccurance = 1 maxOccurance = 1 Data source name contains alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores (_), hyphens (-), plus signs (+), pipes (|), colons (:), periods (.), and slashes (/) without leading or trailing white spaces. | Unique name for the data source |
userName | string | minLength value = 1 maxLength value = 128 minOccurences = 1 maxOccurences = 1 Special characters like | , {, }, <, >, ', \", (, ), \\ , /, %, \+, ?, \*, &, and comma are not allowed. | Username that is defined for connecting to the enterprise database |
password | string | minLength value = 1 maxLength value = 128 minOccurences = 1 Special characters like &, \", <, >, \', %, and comma are not allowed. | Password that is defined for connecting to the enterprise database |
maxConnection | int | minInclusive value = 2 maxInclusive value = 10000 minOccurences = 1 | Maximum number of connections that are allowed to connect to the database |
driver | string | enumeration
| Driver for this data source to communicate to the enterprise database |
jdbcURL | string | minLength value = 1 maxLength value = 256 minOccurences = 1 | JDBC URL that is used to obtain a connection to the enterprise database |