Script Flow for the PostRouteSelectCSQ.aef Script


Step 1

The script receives the call from the Cisco Unified CallManager.


Configured General tab of the Accept Step
Step 2

The script plays a welcome message to the caller.


Configured Prompt tab of the Play Prompt Step
Step 3

In the Request Route step, the script requests a route label from the Cisco Unified ICME system for a CSQ in the Cisco Unified CCX system.


Configured General tab of the Request Route Step
Step 4

The Set Enterprise Call Info step puts the label contained in the routeSelect variable into the enterprise call variable, call.PeripheralVariable2. In this case, the label is a CSQ identifier. This variable can be displayed on the Cisco Finesse Desktop.


Configured General tab of the Set Enterprise Call Info Step

No enterprise Extended Call Variables are used in this script.

Step 5

If the route request fails, the script selects a default CSQ.


Configured General tab of the Set Step
Configured General tab of the Select Resource Step
Step 6

If the call is not answered before the time limit, a prompt is played, and the call is put in the queue to repeat the process until the call is answered or droped by the caller.


Configured Prompt tab of the Play Prompt Step
In the General tab of the Play Prompt Step:
  • Triggering Contact is selected as the contact

  • Interruptible option is Yes. This means that as soon as the call is answered, this queue prompt will be interrupted.

In the Input tab of the Play Prompt Step:

  • Flush Input Buffer option is No

Configured General tab of the Delay Step