Script Flow for the PostRouteSelectCSQ.aef Script
Step 1 | The script receives the call from the Cisco Unified CallManager. Example:![]() |
Step 2 | The script plays a welcome message to the caller. Example:![]() |
Step 3 | In the Request Route step, the script requests a route label from the Cisco Unified ICME system for a CSQ in the Cisco Unified CCX system. Example:![]() |
Step 4 | The Set Enterprise Call Info step puts the label contained in the routeSelect variable into the enterprise call variable, call.PeripheralVariable2. In this case, the label is a CSQ identifier. This variable can be displayed on the Cisco Finesse Desktop. Example:![]() No enterprise Extended Call Variables are used in this script. |
Step 5 | If the route request fails, the script selects a default CSQ. Example:![]() ![]() |
Step 6 | If the call is not answered before the time limit, a prompt is played, and the call is put in the queue to repeat the process until the call is answered or droped by the caller. Example:![]() In the General tab of the Play Prompt Step:
In the Input tab of the Play Prompt Step:
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