The Get XML Document Data Step
Add an Get XML Document Data step to the getQuoteClient.aef script to extract the specified information from the XML document you created in the preceding procedure and store it in a variable.
To configure the Get XML Document Data customizer window, do the following:
Step 1 | From the Document Palette in the Palette pane, drag an Get XML Document Data step to the Design pane, and then drop it over the Create XML Document step icon. The Get XML Document Data step icon appears in the Design pane, just below, and on the same level as, the Create XML Document step icon. |
Step 2 | Right-click the new Get XML Document Data step icon. A popup menu appears. |
Step 3 | Choose Properties. The Get XML Document Data customizer window appears. ![]() |
Step 4 | From the Document drop-down menu, choose doc. This variable contains the XML document data stored by the Create XML Document step. |
Step 5 | In the XML Path text field, click (...) , the Expression Editor button. The Expression Editor dialog box appears. |
Step 6 | In the Expression Editor text field, enter the following expression: This means that the data to be extracted is from the XML element named LAST, contained in the XML element named STOCKLIST, identified by the symbol ABC |
Step 7 | Click OK. The Expression Editor dialog box closes, and the expression appears in the XML path text field of the Get XML Document Data customizer window. |
Step 8 | From the Result Data drop-down menu, choose result. This variable stores the data extracted from the XML document when the Get XML Document step executes. If you want to reuse the data in the source document to extract other values, use a separate document variable to store the extracted value |
Step 9 | Click OK. The Get XML Document Data customizer window closes, and the variables you chose appear next to the Get XML Document Data step icon in the Design pane of the Cisco Unified CCX Editor. You are now ready to add the next step to the getQuoteClient.aef script in the Design pane of the Cisco Unified CCX Editor. |